Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My 1st Entry

I have been wanting to start this for a long time, and I wanted to start on a good note, so here it CA27.29 tumor marker is......23!!!!! This may not mean anything to most of you, but this is a very good number, especially since this was after a 4 week treatment break and I was really concerned.

It is a good thing they gave me this good news yesterday, because they were all looking at my port funny again. It is not the first time they were wondering if it was infected. So in comes the 2nd opinion. Then the nurse practitioner. Then the doctor. She said, "ooh, yes, it looks infected. It needs to come out. Let me call the surgeon to see what we need to do." And so the day went and we(Mom & I) waited, and waited, and waited. 8 hours later we finally left the hospital at around 5:20 pm.

Other good news: we went to Disney May 10-17. We all had a great time!! It was so much fun that we cannot wait to go back. Amanda is ready to move there!

Here is a picture of the girls with Tigger, during breakfast at The Crystal Palace.